Monday, December 8, 2008

Worry about NOTHING!!!

I had posted earlier how I was worried about Rocke's bone biopsy. A true miracle happened. He had a bad blood test last time, so we thought that was why they wanted another biopsy. Well, when we got there, they took 5 vials of blood. The doctor walked in the room to give us the results of the blood tests and then do the biopsy. Guess what? He came in and said the blood tests were all perfect!! No bone bisopsy today!! He had no idea why he had even requested one. I think all of this may have happened to teach me a lesson about worry!! I fretted and worried about all the bad things, and none of them happened! All the praise goes to our Lord Jesus Christ!! I rejoice!! And I was determined that if it was bad news I would have rejoiced. But it turned out even better than any of expected it too! Our God is so Great!! Thanks to all those who prayed for us!

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