Sunday, December 28, 2008


God sure has been giving me my share of lessons this Christmas season. A great way to end the year that is for sure. A couple of really recent ones were:

Lesson 1: This Sunday at church there was a sing-a-long and testimonies. I had a terrible cold so that I was unable to sing. I love to sing. I may not be as good as many, but I do love to sing. I couldn't sing. The lesson: LISTEN!! That is really hard for me. I want to sing, I want to talk. But God wanted me to listen.

Lesson 2: I cannot control others feelings or attitudes. They may not like what I have to say. They may treat me poorly as they don't like I how I feel. I have to rise above the attitude and still show I care. The Lord loves us all. We do not have to agree on things, we do not have to have it "fair". Others may get, even though they never worked for it. They are still loved by God and my attitude may mean the difference between them accepting Christ or not. I do have an impact in my attitude.

Lesson 3: I was at a Christmas party and several of us sat down to play a game. Player A, Player B, Player C and myself sat to play. I love to play games, but I do not like to play competitively. I like to play for fun. I don't care about winning. So Player C sat down and told how she hated to play with certain other people because they are way too cometitive. Player C wanted to keep score and I said that I didn't like to keep score, I would rather just play. I was out-voted. We were going to keep score. So we atarted play. We were playing scrabble. Player B made her word. Player C made her word. I made my word and Player B counted out my points. Player C said that wasn't right. You couldn't count the previous laid letter. I thought it was for fun. Player C has to be the winner. I decided that what others see in others is something that they battle themselves. So I took a long look at myself and decided that I was going to get too competitive also and that would ruin the game for the others. So I decided that I would rather visit with people rather than play the game and have hurt feelings. So, I stopped playing and asked another girl to take my place. Player C and I both love to win. Although we approach it differently, I choose not to keep score and play for fun. While she plays competitiviely (to win) and does not see that hurt she may cause to others. While Player A and Player B just sat there and let her have her way.

Which brings me to my conclusion. God made us all different and all of us are working on different things at different times. We can only worry about ourselves and try to guide the others in God's love for all.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sad-Packers lost again

It's a good thing that I am not a fair weather fan! We have to give Aaron Rodgers time to get it down. It's hard to be patient with your team when they keep losing! Lots of tears!! It is not our year! We can't win all the time.

Some years are like that for us personally. God sometimes allows us to have a year that seems like we can never win. We just run up against bad things time after time. We practice to get ready for it, but it just doesn't seem to help. But we always have to look ahead. God says, "this too will pass". It may take a while but somebody has to lose. I guess it's just the Packers this time!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Games people play

Sometimes, it seems as if I work with a bunch of Middle School Children! The back biting, the teasing, the disregard for human feelings, etc. Then I stop to think about it and even middle schoolers are not as vicious as adults. Why can't we allow others to be themselves and not try to put them into a mold that we think they should act like? Sometimes I find myself following the crowd, and I start feeling resentment or ridicule for those less fortunate than I. I know that God loves all of us and I should too. But how do we react when we see another person hurting? Do we say we are sorry, or do we "pass to the other side of the road" like the Priest and Levite? I need to ask God to forgive my shortcomings and give me a true servant's heart and beome a true "Good Samaratin".

Monday, December 8, 2008

Worry about NOTHING!!!

I had posted earlier how I was worried about Rocke's bone biopsy. A true miracle happened. He had a bad blood test last time, so we thought that was why they wanted another biopsy. Well, when we got there, they took 5 vials of blood. The doctor walked in the room to give us the results of the blood tests and then do the biopsy. Guess what? He came in and said the blood tests were all perfect!! No bone bisopsy today!! He had no idea why he had even requested one. I think all of this may have happened to teach me a lesson about worry!! I fretted and worried about all the bad things, and none of them happened! All the praise goes to our Lord Jesus Christ!! I rejoice!! And I was determined that if it was bad news I would have rejoiced. But it turned out even better than any of expected it too! Our God is so Great!! Thanks to all those who prayed for us!

Cold Sore Worry

Have you ever had a cold sore? It starts with a little tingle on your lip. Within several hours the tingle will turn into a bump. The bump turns into a sore. The more you pick at it or rub it, the bigger it gets. But once it's there you have to give it time to get rid of it. There is some medication that you can take when you first feel the tingle that will keep it from breaking out. It is not an over the counter medication. It can only be given when prescribed by a doctor. I have a cold sore. It started with the tingle on Saturday afternoon. By Sunday morning when I woke up, it was bad! A lump the size of a walnut was on my lip. Okay, Okay, I know I am exaggerating. But if you have ever had a cold sore, I am sure you can relate.

Pastor Mark yesterday was preaching on Habakkuk. I think he was preaching to Rocke & I. Today Rocke has his bone biopsy to check on his leukemia. I was really worried. My friend Sue knew I was worried. She said that if I worry, I am not having faith in God. Things may not turn out all right, but God will see us through. Pastor Mark said yesterday, "Even if it's bad, I will rejoice". I am not sure if he was quoting Habakkuk or his own wisdom. I wrote it down just the same. He also said, "In the end, we will win". Even if Rocke's results are bad, we will win because we both know where he is going! He is ready. He said yesterday, that if God chooses to give him this pain, it is small compared to the pain Christ suffered for us!!

So back to the cold sore. I think my worry was like the cold sore. It starts with just a thought (the tingle)! And if you don't get the medicine from the physician, it will turn into a great big sore. The medicine for worry is God's Word and Prayer, given to us by the Great Physician. If worry does get a hold of us, like the cold sore, it will get bigger and sorer. It will affect everything we do. It is all we will concentrate on. Time is the only healer. But we still need help from God's Word to help with the healing process that damage from worry can do.

So, my cold sore is healing. But it is a reminder that Worry can affect me and make me miserable, but if I start with the medicine right away it will be better. But first I have to go to the Physician with the ailment before it happens! Next time, I will go to God with my concerns and then leave them there for him to worry about!! No more Cold sores for Me!!