Saturday, May 23, 2009

Today I just want to whine

Yes, I would like a little cheese to go with my whine!! I have to get out of this funk that I am in today. I want to complain and whine. I am feeling sorry for myself. I am feeling all alone and like nobody cares. I know that God cares but I don't feel it. You know what I mean Jelly Bean? Ok, from the top. My sister Dotty always tells me that I need to "peel back the layers to what is really going on underneath". But most of the time, the underneath is dirty, messy and just plain yucky! But back to what I was talking about rather than rambling. I tried to call Dotty and she wasn't home. I have been trying to talk to my sisters for a while now, but I can't talk to them because I never get in touch with them. It seems as if every time I call they either don't answer or can't answer. They just don't have time for me. When they do have time, I don't. It really seems as if Susie is ignoring me, cause she never calls back. She finds time to call and talk to others (Mom, Dotty), but never can talk to me. And yes I know that she talks to them because they are more than happy to tell me what she says. That was the first thing. The next thing was that we are having our bike blessing next Saturday for our CMA chapter. My ministry for CMA is music. They plan on having music there, but I was not even asked. Whine! Whine! Whine! Poor little old me! Okay peeling layers. God may be telling me to slow down and wait for them to contact me. He may be telling me that I picked the wrong ministry. I don't want to wait for them to call me, cause it will never happen. So what if it doesn't? Will the world come to an end? So what if I have to pick another ministry? Will the world come to an end?

All I can do is the best that I can do. When God shuts the door, he opens a window for escape. Okay God let me soar out the window!

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